Oncotherm Cancer Support Adelaide

The Australian clinic of biological medicine is the only clinic in Australia offering  Local-Regional Hyperthermia (Modulated Electro-hyperthermia using the Oncotherm EHY-2000 Plus)

Oncotherm EHY-2000 Plus is an advanced technology from Germany and offers a major breakthrough in integrative cancer therapy. Now, Australians no longer have to travel overseas to receive this important treatment .

Local-regional hyperthermia has proven its exceptional value in cancer treatment. In Germany, Local-regional hyperthermia, (modulated Electro-hyperthermia using the Oncotherm-2000 Plus device)  has for many decades been part of the standard of care for cancer treatment, used concurrently with chemotherapy and radiation.

At present, there are over 100,000 hyperthermia treatments (using the Oncotherm-2000 plus device) provided worldwide every year, to patients with a variety of different cancer types and stages of disease.

Please note that this treatment is most useful when used in conjunction with radiation or chemotherapy.